Discover the best offers from banks for shopping at Apollo Pharmacy. Your debit and credit cards can help you save additional money when buying online from Apollo Pharmacy. Don't miss the chance and save more money.
10% discount on Medicines
15% discount on Apollo Private label products
5% discount on FMCG Products
10% Discount on medicines except DPCO
15% discount on Apollo PL Products
5% discount on FMCG products
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
10% Discount on Prescription Medicines
15% Discount on Apollo Private Label Products
5% Discount on FMCG Products
The following are the bank offers at Apollo Pharmacy which have expired now. Beware that you would NOT be able to claim these offers as of today. We have showcased them here for you to identify which bank has historically had a lot of offers and deals at Apollo Pharmacy.
5% off on FMCG.
10% off on pharmaceutical products.
15% off on Apollo Pharmacy Pvt labelled product.
10% off on Medicines except for DPCO (Drugs Prices Control Order)
3% off on FMCG products (Fast Moving Consumer Goods)
5% off on Apollo PL (Private Label) Products
10% off on Medicines except for DPCO (Drugs Prices Control Order).
The offer is applicable on Apollo Pharmacy stores ONLY.
15% off on Apollo PL (Private Label) Products.
The offer is applicable on Apollo Pharmacy stores ONLY.
3% off on FMCG products (Fast Moving Consumer Goods).
The offer is applicable on Apollo Pharmacy stores ONLY.
10% off on Medicines (except DPCO)
15% off on Apollo PL Products
No Minimum & Maximum limit for purchase of goods to avail discounts.
Offer strictly not applicable on DPCO drugs.
5% off on FMCG Products
10% off on Medicines (except DPCO).
No Minimum & Maximum limit for purchase of goods to avail discounts.
Offer strictly not applicable on DPCO drugs.
15% off on Apollo PL Products.
No Minimum & Maximum limit for purchase of goods to avail discounts.
5% off on FMCG Products.
No Minimum & Maximum limit for purchase of goods to avail discounts.
10% discount on Pharma.
16% discounts on Apollo private labeled products.
5% discounts on FMCG.
Enjoy 10.7% instant discount on Apollo Pharmacy
10% off on medicines (Except DPCO)
15% off on Apollo products
Enjoy 10.7% instant discount on Apollo Pharmacy
Enjoy 10.7% instant discount on Apollo Pharmacy
Enjoy 10.7% instant discount on Apollo Pharmacy
Enjoy 10.7% instant discount on Apollo Pharmacy
Enjoy 10.7% instant discount on Apollo Pharmacy
Enjoy 10.7% instant discount on Apollo Pharmacy
Enjoy 10.7% instant discount on Apollo Pharmacy
2.5% off on Apollo Pharmacy
10% Discount on Medicines(Except DPCO).
15% Discount on Apollo Branded Products.
5% Discount on FMCG products.
Upto 15% Off on Medicines and Apollo branded products
Upto 15% off on Medicines and Apollo branded products.
10% off on medicines (except DPCO)
3% off on FMCG Products.
10% Discount on Pharma products/ Medicines (No discount on DPCO products)
5% Discount on FMCG products
Upto 15% discount at Apollo Pharmacy on website
Apollo PL products 15% off
FMCG Products 5% off
Medicines 10% off (except DPCO)
Flat 10% off on Apollo Pharmacy Gift Voucher.
FLAT 10% OFF on Medicines.
FLAT 15% OFF on Apollo Products.
10% discount on Medicines
15% discount on Apollo Private label products
5% discount on FMCG Products
FLAT 15% off on Apollo Products
FLAT 3% off on FMCG
Flat 10% off on Medicines
Flat 10% off on Medicines
Flat 15% off on Apollo Products
Flat 3% off on FMCG
Flat 10% off on Medicines.
Flat 15% off on Apollo Products.
Flat 3% off on FMCG.
10% discount on all prescription medicines (except DPCO/ Lifesaving drugs).
15% discount on all Apollo private label products.
5% discount on all FMCG products.
10% discount on Pharma (Medicines).
Exclusively for all IndusInd Bank Customers.
15% discount on Apollo Health products
5% discount on FMCG (Range of products - Health Drinks, Cosmetics, Skin Care, Hair Care, Baby Care, Rehabilitation Support etc.)
10% Discount on Pharma (Medicine)
5% discount on FMCG products
15% discount on Apollo Private Label Products: Wherein we have more than 350 products across categories
Range of products - Health Drinks, Cosmetics, Skin Care, Hair Care, Baby Care, Rehabilitation Support etc.
Flat 15% off on Apollo products
Flat 15% off on Apollo products
Get 10% off on medicines (Except DPCO)
Get 3% off on FMCG products
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Flat 15% Off.
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 6% OFF on Apollo Pharmacy
10% Off on Medicines & Apollo Products.
10% Off on Medicines (except DPCO products).
5% Off on FMCG.
10% Off on Apollo Products (Private Labelled Products).
10% Off on Apollo Products (Private Labelled Products)
10% Off on Medicines (except DPCO products)
5% Off on FMCG
5% Cashback on minimum spends Rs.7000 (Cumulative Spends during offer period)
Max Cashback per card account Rs.2000
Flat 17% discount on Apollo Branded products
Flat 5% off on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 8% Discount on Apollo Pharmacy
Get 10% discount on Apollo Pharmacy E-Gift (Instant Voucher)
Get 10% discount on Apollo Pharmacy E-Gift (Instant Voucher)
Get 10% discount on Apollo Pharmacy E-Gift (Instant Voucher)
Get 10% discount on Apollo Pharmacy E-Gift (Instant Voucher)
Get 10% discount on Apollo Pharmacy E-Gift (Instant Voucher)
Get 10% discount Apollo Pharmacy E-Gift (Instant Voucher)
Flat 7.5% off - Apollo Pharmacy gift card
Flat 7.5% off on Apollo Pharmacy
Flat 7.5% off on Apollo Pharmacy
Flat 7.5% off on Apollo Pharmacy gift card
5% off on FMCG Products
10% off on Pharma products
15% off on Apollo branded products
10% off on Medicines except DPCO
15% off on Apollo products
5% off of FMCG products
Get 12% Off on Gift Vouchers.
10% discount on Medicine.
15% on Apollo Products.
5% on Generic products.
10% off on Medicines Except DPCO.
15% off on PL.
5% off on FMCG.
10% off on Medicines.
15% off on Apollo PL Products.
5% off on FMCG Products.
Bank offers at Apollo Pharmacy Credit card offers at Apollo Pharmacy Debit card offers at Apollo Pharmacy